Pregnancy Week 26

The time where your baby can live comfortably outside of the womb quickly approaches as you enter pregnancy week 26. By this time, the baby has grown to nearly two-pounds, is about 35.5 centimeters long and is practicing breathing techniques around the clock. Your body is definitely going to be 'feeling' the rapid growth of that baby-bump, and those feet, back, and leg muscles could enjoy a nice massage whenever possible.

As your body and baby continue to synchronously grow into pregnancy week 26, multiple items are becoming clearer. First and foremost – as a soon-to-be-mommy, you might start to wonder when the aches and pains will improve. As painful and irritating that frequent heartburn, back, and leg pain and very sensitive body parts can be; the reality exists that your pregnancy is close to entering the final trimester. Baby is doing just fine inside your womb – continuing to add body weight and grow; while improving lung function and even now having the ability to create tears. The baby's nose is also fully developed and if they were to be born early – could detect several aromas.

Baby’s Development

If you found out during your week 18 ultrasound what the sex of your baby is, you've most likely began the process of choosing colors and clothing for the baby. If born today, that baby would measure about a foot-long weigh 2 pounds and would have a high chance of survival with specialty care. Your new baby is practicing the breathing movements around the clock by week 26 and their eyes are slowly beginning to open during this week as well.

The baby's brain activity continues to rapidly grow – with neurons splitting and multiplying every second. Certain stimuli like noise and increases in heart rate tend to startle the baby; however, this is good as it's allowing that little brain to grow quickly. If you found out that you're having a boy, you'll be pleased to know that their testicles are beginning to descend into their scrotum and should be complete before week 30 hits.

Mother’s Development

We won't sugar coat this – as week 26 approaches and passes, you most likely are feeling pretty yucky and ready for this pregnancy to be over. There are times when you and your baby will be very connected – and even moments when you'll be able to see a tiny elbow or foot moving across your belly. It's important during this week to keep track of your baby's movement – and if you notice that you're not feeling your baby move for a while; contact the doctor office.

One thing that typically happens to expectant mothers is that they'll start developing hot flashes, their skin will become dry and itchy or you could experience cold spots and oily skin. This is where your hormones will start to go crazy. Wearing loose fitting clothing, drinking lots of cool water, and even keeping a water spray bottle close by can help you deal with these moments of flush.

Fun Facts

Economic times can be difficult during a pregnancy. Many mothers who work find themselves taking sick days more commonly during their pregnancy. Along with the added costs of medical office visits, buying baby clothes and other items, finding affordable ways to take care of yourself and baby can be frustrating for anybody. However, one good tip is to consider using second-hand or previously purchased baby equipment – especially if family members or friends no longer have a need for cribs, baby clothes or other common items. Work with your friends, co-workers, or family members to find 'deals' on baby equipment and do your best to save up as much as possible so that your new family will be prepared once baby arrives.


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