Pregnancy Week 28

Heading into the third trimester and pregnancy week 28, baby is starting to really add some girth to its tiny little body. He or she is perfectly developed and formed now – with bones, muscles, arms, legs and torso all growing at the same ratio. You're having more frequent medical check-ups as the third trimester continues – and making sure your birthing plan is solid should be a priority.

It's very common for soon to be mothers to have concerns about delivery of their baby (especially when it's their first). As you approach pregnancy week 28, the best thing you can do is to take a deep breath, relax and focus on details. Here are a few details about your baby in week 28 to consider. For the past 7 months, since the baby was fertilized inside your womb; he or she has grown from a small embryo to now a 2.5 pound, 38 centimeters long, tiny or mini-you. They have a face you'll recognize, eyes that are open, ears that can hear and little fingers that will grasp yours – as they've been practicing this move for the past two months. Your baby still needs some time to grow, but if they were born today; they'd be in pretty good shape with proper medical care.

Baby’s Development

If you listen very carefully in a peacefully quiet environment – it's quite possible that you can feel and your partner can hear your baby's heartbeat in week 28 when you place an ear to your tummy. The doctor can easily listen to the baby's heartbeat and breathing with their stethoscope and the baby even blinks their eyes occasionally. Their eyesight is good enough at week 28 to have the ability to see your face while they are breastfeeding.

The baby's brain continues on the complex development cycle – continuing to develop consciousness and awareness of their surroundings. Baby is still packing on the extra baby fat and will begin to gain weight quickly over the next few weeks. Remember, the baby weighs about 2.5 pounds now and will most likely eclipse 6 pounds if they are born in week 36. Your baby has come a long way – but still needs some time – so be patient mom.

Mother’s Development

It's more likely that you're starting to dream about childbirth as you enter pregnancy week 28. This is normal and it's completely ok to have concerns and fears about what is honestly a very traumatic experience. However, when you speak with fellow moms, friends and family members who have gone through this, they'll tell you – in no uncertain terms that you'll just deal with it and be just fine. This is reason number 800 why women rule.

Your OBGYN and nursing assistants will be more than happy to speak with you about the questions you have about child birth, and since you'll be visiting them more frequently now as your due date approaches, the timing is actually good. By week 28, you need to make sure your plan to give birth is ready to activate at a split-second's notice. Baby wants to stay inside in that warm and comfortable womb as long as possible – but sometimes Mother Nature has other plans.

Fun Facts

The reality and fears that typically enters our minds in pregnancy week 28 can also stimulate some pretty amazing feelings and questions. Here is a good question – how are you planning on documenting the childbirth? We're not suggesting that you hire Steven Spielberg or Disney to film this event –but consider some real yet common questions such as; do you have a digital camera that has an open memory card and fresh batteries? Do you have friends or family members assigned to be official photographers? Having this planned before you actually head to the hospital is fun – can reduce your stress load and can keep your mind of that throbbing back and aching feet.


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